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Monday, December 30, 2019
How Does Deal With Your Younger Sibling - 1025 Words
Do you know how to deal with your younger sibling? Many people often take years to figure out how to treat their sibling. This is completely true. I know how to treat my sisters to not make them angry, or even when I’m bored annoy them until I get them angry. It is very hard for some people to get along with their siblings, some even stop talking for the rest of their lives. No matter who somebody is, they will have a difficult time figuring out how to treat their siblings. â€Å"When you are in your teensâ€â€maybe throughout your lifeâ€â€being three years older than your brother often makes you feel he is a boy.†It is just in an older brother’s nature to try and help out their sibling as much as possible. Many arguments come from making siblings†¦show more content†¦Paul’s gambling and drunken ways would eventually catch up with him, resulting a revolver butt being smashed in Paul’s face until he was dead. After Paul’s deat h, Reverend McLean had difficulty walking. Reverend McLean would die shortly after Paul’s death. Norman is then left with only memories of his lifelong best friend, which is why he wrote this book. In the novel, Norman states, â€Å"We had to be very careful in dealing with each other. I often thought of him as a boy, but I never could treat him that way. He was never my kid brother. He was a master of an art. He did not want any big brother advice or money or help, and, in the end, I could not help him.†One of my sisters is exactly the same way. She will not take any sports advice, or even life advice. She thinks she is always right, and doesn’t need any help. Paul thinks he will be alright all the time no matter how hard life gets, he thinks he will be on top. The novel skips over the teenage years, except for one incident. Norman are fist fighting in the kitchen because they disagreed on sardines. â€Å"I don t want any goddamn sardines!†â€Å"No! Stop it! Stop it!†â€Å"You hit her, you son of a bitch!†â€Å"You knocked her down, you bastard!†â€Å"Son of a bitch!†â€Å"Please, I slipped! I just slipped. That s all.†Just after that incident the two brothers never fought again. They both learned how
Sunday, December 22, 2019
New Years Changes in Henrik Isbens A Dolls House Essay
In Victorian England, women were expected to be undoubtedly obedient to their fathers, and later in life, servile to their husbands as well. They were normally forbidden to pursue a real education, and would often â€Å"devote themselves to their husbands happiness†(Roland 10). Throughout history, women have had to make sacrifices for other peoples feelings and lives. They have given up their own lives, freedoms, education, and careers due to their concern for others. A concurrent injustice occurs in Henrik Ibsens play, A Dolls House. The plays characters, motifs, and symbols support its theme; the sacrifices and decisions pushed onto women by society have hampered them from pursuing their own lives, but there is hope to overcome it.†¦show more content†¦When her husband was sick, the doctors suggested to Nora that they move south until he recovered, but not to tell Torvald that he could die if he did not. (182). At the time, they did not have the money for this, and Torvalds morals are against borrowing any money (176). Without telling Torvald that his life depended on this trip to the south, she borrowed money from Krogstad, even though it is illegal for a woman to borrow without her husbands permission (184). Krogstad required Nora to have her father sign a bond as promise that she will pay the money, but she did not have the heart to ask her father because he will ask what it is for (194-195). This is because her father was sick as well, and she could not bare it if she caused him to worry about another person when he is on his deathbed. Therefore, Nora forged the signature so she can save her husband and spare her father (195). This act greatly compromised her reputation and is a large sacrifice to make. Noras desire to please others started with her father. She accepted the opinions her father told her because she did not want to displease him. The relationship a child has with a doll is the same as the relationship with Nora a nd her father. She was simply his â€Å"doll child†(Ibsen 231). Nora makes many sacrifices for the sake of pleasing her husband, but this just helps her be â€Å"transferred from Papas hands†to Torvalds (Ibsen 231-232). He â€Å"arranged
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Does Questioning Authority Make a Society Stronger Free Essays
It is very important to question the ideas and decisions of people in positions of authority in today’s society. Although some respect for authority is necessary for a group to function, questioning the people in charge makes us better thinkers. In today’s society, we have many questions about the choices and decisions some of our leaders make. We will write a custom essay sample on Does Questioning Authority Make a Society Stronger or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is just up to us to confront the person and explain their issue or problem in a respectful tone.In order for a society to be fully functional, the people who govern must be at peace with the governed, or else all hell breaks loose. For example, President Obama has recently passed the Health Care Bill that apparently would help turn the economy around, but reduce the social status of the middle class. According to polls, a majority of American’s did not approve of this bill as it was being passed, but there was no one person who stood up to say something to the president.The people must make their voices heard in order for a government to be stable and acceptable. To question the ideas of officials is only enhancing the final decision they are going to make, therefore bettering the country as a whole and putting the official in a favorable position amongst his people. As citizens, it is our right to input our opinions into the minds of our public leaders so that they are co nstantly thinking about what is best for all of us, not just for a specific section. If not, the government would become greedy and reap some of the benefits themselves and not make it known to the rest of society. Questioning the decisions of our officials forces all concerned to defend old ideas and decisions and to consider new ones. Sometimes, it can even correct old errors in thought and put and end to wrong actions. It is our duty as citizens of the world to question the sometimes harsh decisions the people in charge make that effect our environment and correct the errors in a well mannered way. How to cite Does Questioning Authority Make a Society Stronger, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Indexical Function of Photographic
Question: Discuss about the Indexical Function of Photographic. Answer: Introduction: According to Dzenko (2009), this article explores the ideas on indexical nature of the photographic images. The concept of digital imagery implies that, it has the capability to enhance the quality of traditional images and I completely agree with this. The photographic referent is referred to as a necessary thing placed before the lens of a camera but not the optional thing. The concept of reference of photography and referent are completely different.. In order to resolve the issues regarding traditional photography concept of digital imagery has been introduced. According to the author both terms are relevant to imagination not photography and I agree with this. Non referent imagery has the capability to combine two features such as photography as well as related words (Gillis 2015). Basically, for specific understanding the concepts are utilized in a quality image circle. Visual algorithms, system image and quality models are the frameworks considered for this sort of imagery whi ch is accepted. According to my opinion, yes, I completely agree with this, the concept of digital image has firmly challenged the idea of primitive photography representation as mentioned in the article. The concept of digital imaging has developed in the year between 1960 and 1970 in order to avoid the operational weakness of primitive film camera (Tyner, Kimsroy and Sirik 2015). In fact, the formulation is also termed as image synthesis. I think, the evolutionary process make the photography access easier than others. Therefore, the physical contact with the original images also get reduces in case of digital image processing. Reconstruction, quality improvement and modification become easier in digital image processing (Dzenko 2009). On the other hand, I have also found some disadvantages such as it will eliminate the existence of staff photographers. Camera is referred to as a physical apparatus which is enabling to increase the physiological structure (Gillis 2015). Nowadays, many social platforms rather applications like Instagram, fotologer, jAlbum are invented where people can share their thoughts via images. With the help of geometrical model and mathematical formulae digital images can be defined. Considering the comment provided by Marsh, I have found that, photography is similar to as encapsulation of different sorts of thought in terms of desire (Marsh 2003). The photos can be stored in the physical memory. The sharing process can connect people regardless of time and location of the users. From different survey I came to know that, in last four years the connecting medium has connected more than 220 million users. Yes, according to the ideas provided by Marsh, it is absolutely possible that a photographer has an objective eye. I think that the photo should always contain a truth, fantasy and interpretation. In both digital and analogue photography, a professional photographer always tries to impose the inner idea related to that particular photo (Marsh 2003). A picture is nothing but a container of different kinds of thoughts in terms of fantasy or truth. The measuring image quality holds certain features such as physical images, customized image, technology variables and the perception of the consumers. A professional photographer or an artist is capable to copy his or her thoughts in terms of insight, imagination and creativity. Moreover, I think that in the context of digital and analogue photography it is possible to have an objective eye. References Dzenko, C., 2009 'Analog to Digital: The Indexical Function of Photographic Images', Afterimage, Vol. 37, No2, pp.19-23 Gillis, S.L., 2015. FRBR and TMS: applying a conceptual organizational model for cataloguing photographic archives.VRA Bulletin,41(2), p.7. Marsh, A., 2003 'Introduction' The Dark room: Photography and the Theatre of Desire,Macmillan,South Yara, pp. 13-25 Robins, A., 2014. Peirce and Photography: Art, Semiotics, and Science.The Journal of Speculative Philosophy,28(1), pp.1-16. Rosengarten, R., 2015. Constructing Worlds: Photography and Architecture in the Modern Age.Photography and Culture,8(3), pp.363-367 Schofield, T., Drk, M. and Dade-Robertson, M., 2013, June. Indexicality and visualization: exploring analogies with art, cinema and photography. InProceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Creativity Cognition(pp. 175-184). ACM Schrter, J., 2013. Photography and Fictionality.UCLAJournal of Cinema and media Studies: Mediastudies at: https://www. tft. ucla. edu/mediascape/Winter2013_Photography. html [last consulted: 2014-03-30]. Tyner, J., Kimsroy, S. and Sirik, S., 2015. Landscape Photography, Geographic Education, and Nation?Building In Democratic Kampuchea, 19751979.Geographical Review,105(4), pp.566-580.
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